Saturday, July 21, 2007

No Longer an "It"

It's a big milestone you've reached when you can stop calling your baby "it" and more comfortably fall into the habits of "he, she, him, or her" following a sneak preview with an ultrasound machine. Our milestone was reached yesterday! Disclaimer: If you do not want to know what the baby's sex is, do not read further because I'm about to blab. The very nice woman who ran the baby show yesterday displayed all the parts of our little baby, saying all looked good. I'm now posting my very favorite of the pictures we were given. Here you'll see the partial profile of a bashful little baby, hiding behind her little hands. So sweet.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

How Was Your Summer?

The summer has been good to us here at the Hoodenpyle house. Lots of activity and lots of naps have made the time fly by. And while summer is not yet officially over, it's beginning to feel like it. I've been back at work for two days straight trying to get my head back in work mode, and August is looming. Once August hits, it's just over, people. The arrival of August 1st gives the exact same feeling that Sunday yields prior to a work week.

Anyway, every year when I go back to work and see the people I haven't seen in a couple of months, I'm asked, "How was your summer? What did you do?" I'll practice my answer on you people before I am officially asked next month. Here are a few of the highlights:

1. Jim, Jack, and I traveled to Des Moines, IA to see a World Cup triathlon. Jim was thrilled to spectate and see how the pros do it. Just a couple of days ago, they aired this triathlon on television, and the Hoodenpyle boys made it onto tv. Jack liked seeing himself up on Daddy's shoulders via our livingroom screen.

2. We went to two, count 'em two, consecutive John Mayer concerts. They were each a unique and FUN experience, but John was equally dreamy during the two events. I can say that I have stood seven feet away from him!!! (You know that satisfied sound that Homer Simpson makes when he's thinking of a donut?)

3. I successfully navigated the truck, by myself, through downtown KC without having a "major" meltdown... Thanks for your extraordinary patience, Husband.

4. Jim has competed in two triathlons, himself, this summer. He makes us all so proud... that is, after we get through contemplating why ANYONE would WANT to do this sport. Most recently, he was the top finisher in his age group at the Lake Freebird triathlon in Mountain Grove. He has an apparent knack for the "sprint" length triathlons but wishes to be more competitive in the longer triathlons that are the "Olympic" length. I don't know if I'm saying that correctly.

At left, Jim keeps his sense of humor through a long, hilly run.

5. I hosted a garage sale at my house. Other contributors were Jim's parents and my two friends from work, Terri and Danavee. We made bigtime bucks and had fun, fun, fun. Garage sale tidbits: Neon orange posterboard is the only acceptable media for signage. Also, artificial ficus trees will go for $5.... just wait it out.

6. Jack is becoming braver and braver at the neighborhood pool. He has been much like his mother when it comes to swimming as a child. Here is what I imagine his water policy to be: "Floaties are really a must. But when you do find yourself without a floatie, monkey grip the neck of whatever adult is nearest to you, totally disregarding if you repeatedly kick them in the gut while flailing."

During this summer we have visited the pool several times per week, and he's getting more and more comfortable. Just last week, he went under the water, voluntarily, several times in a row. He was very proud and happy!

7. Jim and Jack have enjoyed a new tandem bike purchase. It's quite a contraption! Jack sits on half a bike that clamps onto Jim's, and they're off! I can barely keep up, really.

Upcoming events: Baby ultrasound tomorrow. If stubborn legs aren't crossed, maybe I'll have some boy/girl news for you readers. (I think we've actually AGREED upon a girl name. For those of you that don't know... that's huge. Jim has mastered the vetoing of baby names. haha)

Jim will be competing in two more triathlons. And also, we go to Walt Disney World during the first week of August. Woo-hoo! Jack is excited to once again travel by airplane. It should be fun.