Jim is gone to Vegas for a work thing. Jim has also gotten a promotion at work which means he's going to be gone for "work things" several times a month starting pronto. You should probably expect me to write more blog posts starting pronto. Let me explain this.
I've decided that sometimes I write on this blog for fun. Sometimes it's a way to feel more complete. Sometimes it's a way to laugh. Sometimes it's a way to feel more like me. But almost always it's when Jim's not around. Let's put these pieces together. I write on the blog as a means to go from feeling less-than-better to better. Jim's absence must make me feel less-than-better. Jim's presence must make me feel sorta complete. Hmm.... I'm writing now. Jim is absent. Yes, this is making sense. I think I kinda like my husband. But he is gone. This blog will have to do.
A few of these things are items I've already texted to my Vegas-going husband, but I'll go ahead and share them with you anyway.
1. Today as I was driving home through small-town Republic, there was a guy standing on the sidewalk beside the stop sign that I had just approached with my vehicle. It was not a major thoroughfare. In fact, it was an average, completely non-special, very ordinary intersection of neighborhood streets. He was wearing a banana suit. He was dancing. I thought that was odd.
3. I'm really cold.
4. Emma told me today that "Cookie is going 'Meow, meow!' and that concerns" her.
5. Emma also reminded me today that Karate Kid (the new one) is her favorite movie, and she wants to do Karate, too, when she gets bigger. Emma then showed me a Karate move. It looked more like... standing on one foot with arms sort of not at all resembling Karate positions.
7. Jim texted me that he was just awarded a monetary prize for a sales contest that his work was putting on. He then said he was going to try to double it at the Blackjack table. I told him that I thought he should not go through with this idea because he would just lose it, and that would suck. We compromised. He's going to take a little chunk of it and go to the Blackjack table. I will let you know how this goes. I am not a gambler. But I would be willing to wager that his "little chunk" decreases in size. And I would be willing to wager that that's going to suck.
8. I have to supervise Jack's teeth brushing because... and I don't know how this happens.... he always misses the brushing of ONE particular tooth. It's a prominent, front, as-seen-in-pictures-where-smiling-is-happening tooth too. Anyway, lately I have had to inspect his mouth after he brushes because I've discovered all kinds of yuckiness that seems to build up on this one unfortunate tooth. It's absolutely disgusting. And I just can't fathom how the toothbrush does not hit this tooth. In case you are wondering, Jack was ordered to rebrush tonight. The color of this tooth went from kind of an orange-y gagworthy tooth color to sparkly white in a matter of minutes. I may have to be on permanent tooth vigil.
9. Emma is three. Last night she was thirsty. I was playing Scrabble on my phone, as I've tended to do a little too frequently lately. And I procrastinated on getting her her water because I was using too much of my energy trying make magic happen on the smaller-than-small Scrabble board in my hand. She got tired of waiting. She got a stool. She climbed onto the kitchen counter, opened the top cabinet door, and retrieved a cup. She unscrewed the lid of the cup and climbed back down off the counter to the stool. She went to the fridge and opened the door. She pressed the water dispenser with the edge of the cup. She filled her receptacle. She put the lid on and began to drink. She came into the livingroom and sat in the recliner to resume watching her show. I noticed that all of this happened some five minutes later... after I scored big in my little Scrabbley world. When did she get so big? And when did she do the getting big so matter-of-factly?
10. I need to go to sleep. Goodnight. And goodnight, Jim. I miss ya. ....Obviously.