Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Spring School Picture

At Jack's school there is the standard yearbook photograph that is taken in the fall. I was pretty pleased with his first set. A good natural smile and a confirmation that blue looks great on the kid. When spring comes around, a weird thing happens though... yet another picture package is sent home with folks. It caught me off guard the first year that I taught in the district. And now that I have a school aged child, myself, it caught me off guard in a whole new kind of way. (As did the placement of his mug in the very same yearbook that my always-crappy-teacher-photo appears every year... weird.)

Anyway, I'm still not entirely used to this idea of a "spring picture." I never had such a thing as a child. You said "cheese" once a year... period. To top it off, this particular round of photographing comes with a pseudo background, full body poses, and yes.... props. One year, I remember the boys snickering in line as the girls held a terrible bouquet of fake flowers next to their thoughtfully tilted chins. I took pity on their mothers and ripped the flowers out of their hands when it was their turn to pose and take advantage of a bad joke. Secretly, I appreciated their senses of humor, but really.... come on, boys.

Jack's spring picture arrived at home about a week ago. I'll let you take a look. My judgement? I think I'll avoid the plaid next time, but thank goodness there are no fake flowers in sight. Phew.

1 comment:

  1. What are you talking about? Plaid looks GOOD on this boy!

