Saturday, December 26, 2009

Seven Years Old!

Today is Jack's birthday. He is seven years old, and I can hardly believe it! Where did the time go? Everyday I am startled by how fast he is growing up. Where did my first little baby go? I tried to reminisce with him about it this morning. It went something like this:

Me: "Jack? Remember when you were my baby? And you would let me rock you? And cuddle with you? And hold you in my arms? And love on you?"

Jack: "Yes, Mom. But that was when I was just six."

Happy birthday, my BIG boy!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'll reminisce with you! I remember VIVIDLY where we were when you found out Jack was coming! We had gone on a field trip that day. Jim came to school that afternoon. When I walked into your room, you were sitting on Jim's lap at your desk. You told me your BIG NEWS. I was worried that you'd gone down the big slide that day. Alas, all was fine, and Jack is my absolute favorite 7 year old.
