Sunday, March 14, 2010

Emma Argues

Emma's entering an arguing-for-the-sake-of-arguing phase. Sometimes it's cute. Sometimes it's not. Sometimes I think she just feels the need to say the opposite of what I'm saying to ascertain the fact that she is an independent two year old and can. Sometimes what she's arguing makes no sense. Sometimes it does. Sometimes I'll pull a Bugs Bunny on her just for a laugh.

Now I'm sure, as she grows older, there will be plenty of mother daughter arguments that I'll want to forget. But for now, here's one to remember:

Emma: "I want to go to Sunday School, Mom."

Me: "But Emma, it's not Sunday today."

Emma: "It IS Sunday, Mom."

Me: "No, today's Thursday. It's not Sunday."

Emma: "It IS Sunday, Mom! It IS! I want to go to Sunday School!!!!"

Me: "Emma, it's not Sunday today. I'm sorry."

Emma: (walking over toward the window) "It ISSSS Sunday, Mom. The sun ISSSSS shining!"


  1. Smiling. Badgertastically cute. Very.

    Now what's this about Jack being a writer? I must hear more about that conversation!

  2. So adorable. How do you argue with that?

    The other day, I asked Link, who is obsessed with his daddy, "don't you know that mamma loves you too?" He looked at me and said, "NO!" and so the fighting begins...
