Thursday, June 17, 2010

Summer This and That

To quote my dear friend, "Summer, I love you. Please SLOW down." Boy, that's for darn sure. Here's what we've been up to...

Jim's triathlon season is hot and heavy (and hot) this year. Recently, we traveled to Lawrence, Kansas where he competed in a Half Ironman event. Although he didn't finish as quickly as last year (just 16 minutes shy at a touch over five hours), he did extraordinarily well. We love you, Jim. On top of everything else, you look good in spandex, and THAT is sure something.

While we wait for Jim to swim, bike, or run past us, we spend our time well enough.

Emma, with her friend, Brayden. Sharing is not her forte yet, but we're working on it. This shot is probably captured mid-protest at being passenger instead of driver. Driver is better, you know.

Jack passes his spectating time as part-time "butterfly charmer."

In other news, we've been to Branson for a mini family vacation. Silver Dollar City was, of course, in the plans. (No crazies this year! It's a Christmas miracle!)

Emma is still small enough that she's limited on the rides she is allowed to enjoy. Six foot Jim is still big enough that he's limited on leg room while acting as riding companion.

Why is it that I can't manage to get a shot that includes my kid on these stupid rides? There's always a pastel colored wing in the way.

Or thorax.

Or knee. Come on.

And why is it then that when it's Jim's turn, he has absolutely no trouble capturing all THREE of us in the perfect action shot? Good grief.

The next day we visited White Water.

Emma doesn't much like White Water.

She often let me know that she did not like White Water.

Except during the times that she liked White Water.

Or was asleep.

All in all, we had a great summer family weekend. We are home now, fresh from our travels, only to head to Topeka for the coming weekend. Another triathlon! Good luck, Jim.


  1. Hey! I'm that "dear friend" with the quote! Yessssss. But didn't you mean soulmate?

    How many times did I laugh throughout this? Um, let's count:

    1. (and hot)
    2. spandex
    3. "butterfly charmer"
    4. Christmas miracle
    5. Or thorax. (spit inducing laughter, mind you)
    6. Or was alseep.

    Excellent blog. Loved the recap.

  2. Love the White Water pics. Glad you were able to give off just the right amount of, "don't mess with me" ora in order to keep your mug safe.

  3. Look closely at the picture of Emma and Jim in the ride at SDC. She looks like a New York City cab driver, cigarette and all.
