Thursday, April 5, 2007

The Critical Meaning of "Sometimes"

Jack has not been at school all week due to complications from severe seasonal allergies. Anyway, I think we're past the breathing treatments at the Urgent Care facility, but he is still congested. We're giving school a "go" tomorrow, and we'll see what happens.

Last Friday my classroom phone rang, and when I answered it, the school nurse over in Jack's building described his puffy eyes -- I was not especially surprised at this outcome of an outside recess. However, if you've not witnessed this instant springtime eye-puffing with Jack, it's quite a scene. She was audibly relieved that Great Grandma/Pa were able to come and pick him up. I can see why she was nervous. After all, he was clawing at his face.

This morning, while driving to work with Jack in the back, I told him that he was going to go back to school tomorrow. I mentioned that tomorrow was the class "Spring Party" in my best excited Mommy voice. He replied, "Sometimes I don't like parties." At this I was surprised and raised at eyebrow via the rearview. "Whaaat?!? You don't want to go to the party at school tomorrow, Jack?"

Dramatic and exasperated pause...

"Mom, I said sometimes. Sometimes I don't like parties, but tomorrow I want to go. You didn't listen."

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