Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I Hear Ya, Mom

Some of my most happy and vivid dreams are centered around life inside a little black (then later green) Gelven street house with hearts on the shutters. The hearts I always thought were a bit hokey, but now that I look back I think, "How completely perfect." That house was all about being loved. Sometimes I drive by just to bring to mind the sounds of the living there. Momma sounds. Here are a few I'll share because I miss them the most:

1. Her sewing machine
2. Late night lullabies of the vacuum cleaner
3. Mom singing in the kitchen.
4. The creaking of her rocking chair
5. Notes on her piano
6. And finally, all of the "I love you's"
I love you, too, Mom. And I know you are needing a grandkid fix. I'm happy to provide it. So until I hear the happy sound of your car driving up... this will get you by.

And look here. This one even has happy sounds for youuuu.


  1. Ya just had to throw in a crazy eyes picture, din't cha.
    One day Emma is going to stab you in your sleep.

  2. Emma is a cutie. Jack is the man. I remember taking you to go see Fantasia at the movies. You must have been about Jake's age. You had to go to the bathroom so I stood by the door in cold sweats for fear you'd be alright. I had a nice lady check on you. You came out and we had a good time. I had fun being uncle larry but time marches on.
    I don't think Emma will stab you in your sleep one day. But she will stab you in the heart. We all do that. It isn't fatal. It's love.
