Friday, October 17, 2008

See This Guy Right Here?

Yeah? Well, as bad as he looks, he looks like he feels ten times better than I do. It's mid October, and my most recent life screw up is that I didn't get a flu shot in time to really matter. And I didn't get one for my firstborn in time either. That's a double whammy, folks. I'm about to complain... a lot.

The flu has hit Jack and me, and it's been a hard impact. I'm laid out in my bed. Jack's on the couch. We exist very much like an oscillating fan: moving from a state of full body shivering one moment to what feels like being lit on fire the next. I am writing here at this moment only to try and take my mind off of my incredible state of misery. I don't believe I've felt this badly due to a sickness since I went round and round with pneumonia during my first pregnancy.

At several moments today, I've actually considered, "How bad could death be? I mean, really." And I can hear little Jack moan from time to time out in the livingroom. Jim has been our nurse, and Emma has been shipped out of this germ-laden house for her own safety.

I'm curious. Do the membranes of your sinuses ever rupture inside your face because they can't withstand pressure of snot? Has mucus actually ever come out someone's ears? How much phlegm can lungs hold before the crud:oxygen ratio becomes something close to drowning? Has anyone ever sprained a chest muscle from coughing? All good things to google in between my someone-please-feel-sorry-for-me moaning.


  1. Oh, you dear lady. I feel sorry for you. I was concerned when Jim told me this morning that you and Jack had fevers. I didn't realize how bad it was. I will pray for you both. We need you well and happy for next weekend.

    Love to your family.

  2. My poor Whit :( I've missed you terribly at work, and I hate hearing that it's not getting any better. You MUST be better by Monday or I will lose my mind! Work is no place to be without my buddy!

  3. Poor Whit! I hope you are feeling better by now. We need to see you tomorrow! Been too long.
