Sunday, October 5, 2008

Halloween's Almost Here... Again!

I've been writing on this blog for what feels like a long time now. This fact is reinforced when the year cycles around, and I find myself writing with a bit of deja vu. Could it be almost Halloween already? Wasn't I just posting an entry about Jack's costume not so long ago? Anyway, it's been another year, it seems. And the little boy who lives at our house is again excited to show you his duds.

And here's a little bit of Emma. She has no Halloween costume yet, but she'd also like to show off her duds. (She wants to do just about everything that her brother does.)


  1. Jack- I really like your costume!

  2. That is one fine costume! I can't wait to see Emma's! Maybe she could go as a marlin!

  3. Hmm... that may be a hard one. What does a marlin even look like? WHO ARE THEY inside?

    Danavee, this isn't working...

  4. Okay, so let's try it differently.
    To all the folks out there, Danavee and I have a common blog reader since the summer. Neither can recall when it started or who's blog was the point of origin for this reader, but nevertheless, here they are almost everyday.

    Sitemeter says they are from "". Now if we investigate (which we have) we have found that we recognize no employee's face on their roster. (But we do enjoy the witty writing of their company blog! Great stuff, by the way.)

    So who's the marlin? We'd like to know, please?

  5. Yes, PLEASE! My witty one-liners about marlins are running out. You can only bring up "marlins" so many times before your friends think you're insane.

  6. Hmm... is it possible that the Marlin doesn't KNOW they're a marlin? (My cat, I swear, thinks she's a woman. A competitive and hateful woman who mostly loathes other human beings, mind you, but whatever.) I'm thinking borrowed wireless space?

    Anyway, just a thought. You there, MARLIN PERSON, you visited me at 8:17 this morning. Danavee too. Who ya be? Who ya be?

  7. I am not the marlin person, but I'm so glad that you have explained it as I for one was thinking that you were both insane!

  8. Ok... so I mentioned to you the other day how I haven't seen a post in a while and here it be! Was I insane? Or just blinded myself to just see "Dear Someone" everytime I opened your blog... Nevertheless, love the costum. Emma should go as the cowgirl!
