Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Dear Somebody

It was a hectic morning this morning. I rushed to get Jack and Emma up, completely forgetting that I had not set aside enough time to clean Jack's wound and change his bandages. This turns out to be a lengthy undertaking because it involves encouraging a squirmy five year old to be brave in the face of a hydrogen peroxide sting. (As a side note, if you are not aware, Jack had a fairly severe run-in with the treadmill upstairs recently. He was walking backwards on it (duh!) and lost his footing. Now he shows his back, where there is a whopping friction burn, to just about everyone who will look.)

(An additional side note, but a little further sideways, is that THAT is the most action that the treadmill has seen in a few months.)

Anyway, all this to say that I had a rushed morning. It was a rushed morning that left me no time to make a lunch for myself. I had to eat the school's cashew chicken lunch today, and with it I received a fortune cookie.

Getting the school's cashew chicken lunch has its pros and cons. On the one hand, it doesn't taste awful, but they do add waaaay too much salt to the sauce. On the plus side, you come away with a nice fortune that has been written so generically that there is no room for questioning in your mind. It absolutely, so completely, MUST HAVE been the fortune that was yours-by-design.

My fortune cookie told me, "Someone in your life needs a letter from you."

So okay... "Someone" is strategically elusive and vague. If I put any stock into the tiny message that this piece of paper conveys, it becomes a bit overwhelming. Someone could be him, her, or so-and-so over there. Someone could be you. To play it safe and cover all the bases, I'll address the following letter this way:

Dear Someone,

Yesterday was a horrible day, but today has been so much better, thankfully. Jim comes home soon, and for that I am happy. I've missed him.

The job is busy. I stayed up grading until 11:30 last night, and that is my least favorite part of my work. I could make it easier on myself by not letting such a stack build up in my bag, but we've already been over how I have this procrastinating tendency built into my personality. Will you come to my house and fold my laundry, by the way?

How are you these days? What is it that's exciting and new in your life? Do you have big weekend plans? Want to get a coke sometime and talk about the really important things... like how we both tried in earnest to watch the new show "Fringe" recently? I mean tried (really hard) to give it a chance but that we both decided it was completely stupid? We could then go on to say how we thought that it was trying awfully hard, too hard, to be the next "LOST". We could even point out that it uses the same strategy to create suspense - an urgent, loud, and uncomfortable dissonant chord (and then, cut to commercial).

Or maybe it would just be simpler to give me a call. Yeah, I think your overly salty, cashew chicken stained fortune would read this way, "Someone in your life needs a phone call from you."


*Whit, Whiteny in the Hood, Whitnella, Nit-Whit, Parrot Fart, Knucklehead, Jones, Whitney, Mrs. H., Hoodenpyler, Mrs. Puddingpile (by a little boy with a speech problem), and all the other names I've been called by the Someones of my life.

Aunt Vicki? Did you already get this fortune yesterday? My phone rang before I could hit "publish". Love you!


  1. Great letter! I am sure that 'someone' will thoroughly enjoy and appreciate their heartfelt personalized communication from you. -- sidenote -- you are amazing and continue to impress me with your sweet skills :)

  2. Awww, JIM! How do you follow up a comment like that? Dang! I'll try:

    Dear Whitney in the Hood,

    I was so excited to see a new blog entry! I understand that rushed, hectic feeling, but I can't imagine throwing kids into the mix! I can barely handle myself! So I admire you for that!

    Although I didn't have the pleasure of eating that mystery-esque meat they claim is chicken, I DID grab a fortune cookie. As much as I like marlin, I like fortune cookies EVEN MORE! My fortune said "Something romantic will happen tonight." Whatever that was, it most certainly DID NOT occur!

    So I know I didn't call you last night, but did my evening round of emails count?


    Danavee, Genevieve, Danaveeve, Geneva, Ms. Roderick, Ms. Ardrick, Peg, Dan San

  3. Awwww, Jim. You are my favorite boy.

    By the way, your sarcasm is not lost on me. And I'll pretend to be offended... "What?! You thought I was not heartfelt?! You're crazy. Ohhh, Jim, pshaw."

    And that's funny, Danavee. My grandma always calls you Danavieve. In fact, I may have even made that mistake ten, or so, years ago.

  4. Dear Parrot Fart,

    First of all could you please explain that name! Secondly, you got yourself a sweet little hubby there.

    So it sounds as though you had a rough day. The one thing I tend to do after a day like that is.....drumroll please.....drink. That is right I take the bottle of wine pop it open and relax. Now I am not saying drink the whole bottle, even though I have on occasion, I am just saying a glass of wine can be a very relaxing treat. But since I am not exactly sure who Parrot Fart is, maybe you don't even drink wine. Just a suggestion!!

    I didn't happen to catch either of those shows, but I do have a new favorite. Have you watched Lipstick Jungle? I LOVE it! I actually started watching them online the other night instead of doing homework. Not even kidding, I watched three episodes! I would have watched another but Dan was getting a little angry with me for not paying attention to him. I tried to explain to him that we would be in the car together for like over 32 hours this weekend and that would be a lot of quality time, but he didn't go for it. I think he really just wanted the computer.

    For the weekend I am on my way to Florida. Yes to your rivals! I'm heading to Gainesville to a Gator game! The sucky part is, I will be in the car all day on my birthday. Boooo!!! Oh well, lots of quality time with the hubby. Unless of course I choose to read my book....which is more than likely the case!

    As you can see, anytime you need a letter just give me a shout. I have a lot to share!

    Hope you have a great Friday and weekend!

    Andrea, A to the J, Anna Maria, Ann, Mrs. P,etc.

  5. Dear A to the J,

    Ahh... Parrot Fart. I believe I was a particularly gassy child. My aunt Vicki loves to tell me how I'd, as a toddler, toot if I bent over, laughed... yeah, well... you get the picture, I guess. WHY am I sharing this?

    So maybe that had something to do with how, later, when Mom and I would play "call each other the strangest and funniest names you can think of" Parrot Fart was bestowed to me. My retort was calling her, "orangutan armpit hair." It was a fun game.

    Have a lot of fun at the game this weekend. Those gator fans! Whew! In college, I was in the marching band for Florida State. The drunken gator fans would throw shoes and yes, even pee, at us as we entered The Swamp. I have a particular fondness for gator fans... my nose is flared.

    But ahh well... I still love you.

    P. to the F.

  6. My favorite is Mrs. Puddingpyle. Why have you not written for awhile? Are you OK?

  7. Yeah, I'm fine, Jill. I've been "away". That's code for "folding laundry." Kidding. :)
