Monday, September 22, 2008

The Laundry Monster

The worst of all of the heinous household chores, if you ask me, would be folding the clean laundry after it's been through the wash. I'd rather get up close and personal with a gross toilet to be honest. Here's why:

I have a habit of taking the warm bundle of clothing out of the dryer, walking into my bedroom, and putting it down in a pile beside my bed. Inevitably the pile grows and grows. This is a problem, and it would very simply be solved if I'd just take my grandmother's advice. "Whitney, just fold the clothes right when they come out of the dryer!" I recognize the wisdom in this advice. The loads are small when they come out of the dryer, and it would take two minutes to fold and put the stacks away neatly. I'd save myself tons of grief, and I'd probably even save myself a little ironing time too. Isn't it funny that I know this but still manage to repeat the error over and over?

I let the laundry monster grow and multiply. And then some Saturday (usually one with gorgeous weather) when I can stand it no longer, I spend an hour folding, apart from my family. This is a horrible habit. You end up with a mound of wadded up eyesores in the middle of your bedroom floor. You trip on the stupid stack when you get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

Do as I say, not as I do. Fold your dad gum laundry.

Ummm... hold it. Wait just one second. It turns out that an unruly laundry pile delivers much happiness to silly little girls. Nevermind. Let's kill the laundry monster another day.


  1. A girl after my own heart! I discover how you and I are more and more alike all the time! The laundry problem is no exception. I currently have two baskets full of clean clothes, untouched, one on the dryer, the other on the floor of my guest room.

    On another note, Emma is HILARIOUS! How did you discover her love of clean laundry on the floor?

  2. Emma invented the game. (Jim and I just stand by with the camera.)
    She's a strange baby.

  3. Haha, I usually just leave my stuff in the dryer until the next load needs to be done, then it might get folded. My roommate folds some of my laundry now =) Poor poor Crystal...
    But, you could be like my parents and when Jack and Emma get to the age where they can, force them to fold as a chore! just think only like 7 more years of folding???
