Tuesday, March 24, 2009

First Tooth

Jack lost his first tooth today.

He was persistent, independent, and proud. He was calm in the face of something sort of scary. He was cool under pressure. He was unruffled. He was...

COMPLETELY like his mother.


  1. You go, Jack! Good job letting Jack pull it out on his own. My mom always "tricked" us by asking to look at it closer then with lightening speed, she would flick the tooth and out it would pop. I do not trust her around my teeth to this day.

  2. Yea Jack!!!! We are happy for you. What did the tooth fairy bring you?
    The VanHoose's

  3. WOW! First tooth and no training wheels all within a week or so of each other!!!!!!!! This is BIG! How much did the tooth fairy bring?

  4. The Tooth Fairy brought him 2 dollah and a strawberry flavored Dum Dum sucker. :)

  5. Wow...good job Jack! You have a great tooth fairy!
