Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My Diary

My mom came up to visit the other day.  With her, she brought a treasure from long ago...

Oh yes!  This is what you think it could be.  Eight year old Whitney's DIARY.  I opened it up, thinking that this was going to be FUN, FUN, FUN to read.  During my reading, I was disappointed about a handful of things. 

First, I wrote sparingly with only occasional entries here and there.  I was a little on the hot and cold side when it came to recording my innermost thoughts.  Bummer.

Second, I seemed to think that my diary was a way to manipulate my mother (who was surely reading this, in my mind.) From the looks of things, I bet I even left the diary out... and open... to the exact page I wanted her to see... maybe on her pillow?  Geez.

Thirdly, I was kind of a melodramatic... brat?  "Never happy," my foot.  I want to smack this child.

(flipping through more pages)

But then?  Then it all turned out okay.  Because 8 year old Whitney made 34 year old Whitney laugh.

Little Whitneeeey.  You're so silly.


  1. It's almost 1985! Goshhhhhhh!

    Thank you for the best laugh I've had all day.

  2. Love it! I found an old journal at my mom's last year (from age 9 or 10 I think) and it was equally melodramatic. I also was wanting a ten-speed b/c everyone else had one.
    Just wait till Emma has a diary!

  3. Hahahaha I have my fourth grade diary that I kept at school. If I ever want a good laugh, I pull it out. funny stuff, even better was the Cabbage Patch cover.
