Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Assignment: "Emma, Tell a Story"

I don't often get blogging assignments, but I have decided they are pretty fun.  I once played a prank on Jack that resulted in an assignment issued by my mother that was one of my favorites... um... ever.  But today?  Today, I've been given a blogging assignment by my hilarious friend, Schlager.  And Schlager, I accept. 

I am to "make a video of Emma telling a story."  Okay.  Well, I tried really, really hard.  The end result below, you'll see, lacks most things characteristic of a story.  There's definitely no rising action, climax, or resolution.  The characters are only superficially described.  And does there have to be plot at all?  Hmm...  Well, there's no plot.

I may have failed in the challenge.  But here's my attempt anyway.  It turns out it's more like an Emma interview.  We'll work on the storytelling, Schlager.  She clearly has no concept of it, BUT...  at least she knows *what to do if a stranger tries to take her.

* "Mom, I'll just kick them and punch them in the neck."

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