Friday, July 8, 2011

A Reenactment

Jack, Emma, and I were sitting at Subway yesterday enjoying our ham sandwiches.  We had just come from the fabulous IPA educational store.  Now normally, I would ban this store during the thick of summer because, as Jack pointed out, the place even "SMELLS like a classroom."  But see... Jack had saved some of his money and was dying to spend it on a certain police officer puppet that he had seen when we went there in May.  (No, I'm not sure what was so special about the police officer puppet either.)  And so, I held my nose, and we went.

Jack shopped and ended up not liking the puppet he had been fantasizing about all summer after all.  Something about its eyes not being even.  (He is his father's son.)  But he did continue to shop, and after much deliberation, he decided he was ready to buy some small plastic replicas of skeletons that one can put together.  Okay, go for it, Jack.

He couldn't wait until home though.  He had to put his little plastic skeleton together while eating at Subway.  And this brings me to where I started.

So, with a mouthful of ham sandwich, Jack asks, "Mom, is this right?"  And he holds up his skeleton, boasting that he didn't even have to read the directions.  We've reenacted it for you below:

And in seeing that it looked right, I nodded that I thought so.  Next came this.  And this is why the reenactment was very necessary:

"Well, HIGH FIVE then!" 
And that's where I lost it.



  2. Seriously though, I sold one of those in the garage sale last year for a dime.

  3. I had one of those as a child... even had a class thing to go over it.
