Thursday, March 29, 2007

Pickle, The Fat

We have two cats at our house, and wow, is the spectrum of cat personalities well represented in our household! Cookie is small, angry, aggressive, and snooty in such a way that we have to verbally warn visitors to our house to inhibit their natural tendencies to want to pet the animal. On the other hand, Pickle is shy, sweet, and wide. People who've been to our house, even many times, have questioned the existence of this second cat. She plants herself firmly under the bed if someone even thinks about ringing the doorbell.

Anyway, it's this reclusive one that I'll write about today. Recently, we were told by the vet that she had a pretty severe mouth infection. You would've thought that I'd put two and two together here because her breath was knock-you-over bad, but I didn't. Poor thing. Upon examining her mouth, the vet revealed that even her top two canines were wiggly, and they needed to be pulled.

So, we did take her in for the dental work. Having worked in a vet's office during college, I already realized what an ordeal she would be going through. Fully anesthetized, tubed for breathing, and lots and lots of elbow grease to get those filthy teeth in order again. Now, she's come back home, a little less toothy and smelling so much better too. Now, she can sit five feet away and bathe herself in peace... meaning I don't have to throw my sock at her because of the wafting mouth odor that comes my way. She's feeling better.

Here is a bird's eye view of her impressive girth... This because you'll never see her otherwise. She'll be under the bed.

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