Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A Look Back at Jack

A few have asked me, "Who does Emma look like? You or Jim? I can't tell." The truth is, I don't think she necessarily looks like either of us right now. She looks like her brother did when he was the same age. I offer people this opinion, and to my surprise, several have looked at me with doubting looks on their faces. "Like Jack? You think so? Hmm... I don't knoooow."

Maybe they just don't remember the infant version of Jack. And now, it doesn't help that he looks nothing like he did when he was little, little. But the minute that they put little crying Emma into my arms, I was overwhelmed with recognition. I was looking down at the same pouty bottom lip that Jack has when he cries, and the deja vu sensation took my breath away.

I have gathered evidence to support this - mostly for those naysayers out there. Check out the four pictures below, and perhaps they'll help to jog the memories.


  1. I don't know what to say. I am beside myself with joy at the moment.....hang on give me a second. Could it possibly be? My instincts tell me no no no....but low and behold my eyes have not fooled me. The great Whitney has posted two days in a row! Count them 1, 2. If I was a little bit older I might have actually peed my pants. But even with slightly damp underwear I am happy because of this post. THANK YOU Oh mighty Whitney, Thank you.

  2. Thanks for writing this.
