Thursday, April 23, 2009

Happy Earth Day!

Earth Day was yesterday. This year Jack is a member of the Earth Day police, minus the badge. I feel like a criminal in my own home.
Yesterday he guilt-tripped me, "We need to recycle, Mom. It's good for Earth."

He reminded me more than once that "We need to turn off all the lights in the house for one minute. Everyone else will do it too, Mom! We can't be the only ones not to!"

He also shamed me for walking away from the kitchen faucet as I left it running to clear the table. "DON'T leave the water running hard like that, Mom. It's wasting."

Tonight he took it upon himself to make a poster showcasing the following to-do list for all mankind:

We haft to pik up chrach.

We haft to pik up canz.

We haft to pik up papr.

We haft to pik up plastik.

Unless you'd like to be on the receiving end of Jack's admonishing looks, featuring his very furrowed eyebrows, I'd start checking off these items with enthusiasm. Me? I'm out of the doghouse because I drew the nifty "recycling arrows" on his poster. You're welcome, Earth.

1 comment:

  1. I will now promptly dig my plastic milk jug out of the trash. Thank you, Jack!
