Sunday, August 16, 2009

Elaborate Pretending With Jack

Welcome to the ring. Let's meet our wrestlers.

El Toro - "The Bull"

Profile description: And aggressive thumbly man. Fond of his own snarl. Well groomed sideburns.

Likes: Sushi, strolls in the park, cooking


Profile description: Busty little thumb wrestler, lacking in personality

Likes: Long red fingernails contradicted by manly arms and thighs

Pre-Match Interviews

The Match

Thank goodness my second child is a girl. Barbies are so much easier.


  1. Gasping for air, trying to recover from hysterical laughing.

    Butterfly thorax?

    But I don't have a foot.

    Two classic lines.

    Now WHERE do you get these contraptions?

  2. Sorry to tell you, Whit. It's not much easier pretending with girls. Just wait until Emma shoves a My Little Pony in your hands and says, "mom, pretend you are going to a party and you say, 'I don't want to go to a party,' and I say, 'come on, it'll be fun.'" Then she looks at you expectantly. Thing is, you want to pretend to go to a parade but if you misquote what she just said or suggest something else, it's an all-out fit. Sigh. No, this wierd thumb war play out seems much less complicated!

  3. I found myself laughing outloud of this one. Hillarious! Yes please do tell where you get these fun things!
