Monday, January 18, 2010

Get The Dental Floss

Jack has lost his third tooth. This third tooth proved to be a stubborn one. It did not cooperate with Jack's preferred and standard mode of extraction. He has worked on the wiggly thing for weeks now. But it just would NOT come out.

Today brought a new dilemma, however, regarding the tooth. Jack had worked it to the point of dangling. But then, with the arrival of bedtime, Jack developed a worry. "What if he swallowed it in his sleep?" Yes, this thought was his breaking point. Something had to be done.

"Mom, will you go and get the dental floss?"

My jaw hit the floor. When I was little, the thought of dental floss anywhere NEAR my loose teeth brought on an instantaneous case of sweaty palms and jittery knees. I knew my mom could not be trusted. I learned that after only one go round of "WAIT, MOM! I'M NOT READY!!!! I'M NOT...."

(It was always too late, by that point. My mom was fast. And worse, my mom was very, very sneaky.)

So, at Jack's request for the dreaded floss, I tried to keep my shock hidden and instead show a convincing case of calm. I tied the floss around the dangly member, being sure to say, "I WILL NOT pull this until you are ready, Jack."
After a deep breath and a nod from Jack, we counted to three and it was over.

(By the way, it was fast, and it was totally not sneaky. I'm just sayin', Mom....)


  1. You are BOTH so BRAVE! I would have to call in the man for something like that! Don't think I could stomach it! I'm proud of you both!

    Tooth fairy?

  2. And yet. . . look how wonderful you turned out to be (childhood trauma and all). I am sorry that I pulled your teeth without being more trustworthy about the whole process. Geeeeeez, way to add to my load of parental guilt.

  3. Yeah, well. I shouldn't have opened my mouth, I guess. Jack's other front tooth is SO READY. But I asked him if he wanted the dental floss this time, and he said, "No, I don't want to do it your way anymore."


  4. Yep, my mom was very fast and very sneaky too. But something far worse, she was dishonest! She would say, "let me see it, I'm not gonna pull it." I would whine, "no..." (I knew she could not be trusted but something deep in me just wanted it to be over so I gave her "one more chance," each time) I would say, "do you promise not to pull it?" Stalling, not quite ready but knowing it was inevitable. She would promise. She would lie and before I had time to be mad, I would feel relieved that it was over... again. I suppose it's pointless to remind Jack that the dental floss was his idea? Ah well. Whatever works at the time...

  5. That does not sound like much fun for you or Jack. Way to be supermom though!
