Monday, February 8, 2010


This week I'm not loving my job. Yes, I'm glad and thankful to have a job. But I'm not loving my job. I'm allowed. It's February.

February is the most undesirable month of the school year, in my opinion. It's cold. It's long. It's gray. It's tedious. In the words of my friend Terri, "Everyone, once in their lives, should have to substitute teach in a February." I agree.

Sometimes to get myself through a really TERRIBLE mood, like the one I'm sporting now, I quit trying so hard to ignore the hatefulness just under my skin. I actually turn to basking and wallowing in it. I feel sorry for myself. I imagine things like... alternative career paths. Like, say, what if I made the conversation hearts of the world?

Twenty more days. Twenty more days.


  1. Oh how I feel your pain. Let me put it in the form of a haiku.....with alliteration!!!!!

    Bleak, blah, and boring
    February, bite the dust
    Bring back signs of spring

  2. I detest February, don't even get me started on Leap Years.

    I stink at Haikus
    I am not witty like you
    So I will stick with my blues

    (I dislike it so much I didn't even spell it right, take that!)

  3. only 13 more days now. Or you could focus on the mere 33 days until Spring Break!! :)

  4. Not sure about down there but I am just ready for the snow to be off the ground. It's so unlike Mid-Mo to have snow on the ground for so long. I am longing for spring.
