Friday, February 5, 2010

Snow "Happies"

Maybe it's because I HATE winter so much that the especially nice moments really hit me and knock me out of my seasonal fog with a jolt. Snow came recently, and with it, came some things that made me so happy that I had to stop and snap a picture.

Grandpa cleared this path through his yard so that the mailman could more comfortably deliver letters to the porchside mailbox. I think that's sweet.

Speaking of sweet, Daddy builds one "sweeeeet" snow house. It kind of makes you want to be a kid, doesn't it? The snow house even has a backside window... thoughtful details in the snow.


  1. You hate winter too? I had no idea. I feel like such a Scrooge when snow falls. I know how much my kids love it and well... to me, it's just cold. Maybe if I could make such impressive snow forts, I would go out with the kids more...
