Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Monitor

I still sleep with the baby monitor next to my head at night. Technically, I guess I have no "babies" in the house to monitor anymore, but you know. It's something of a comfort. Jim used to give me grief about my attachment to the thing, but I think he's long given that up. We're both pretty sure that I'm not going to change my worrywarting ways. Logically, I know I probably don't need it anymore as Emma's getting bigger and bigger. But emotionally, I'm attached to the sound of Emma breathing, I guess. With Jack, I did the same.

Most nights, I hear virtually nothing as Emma's a pretty sound sleeper. But I'm also a sound, sound, sound sleeper. On the rare occasion that she wakes up and needs me, wakes up sick, or is just upset in the middle of the night, it's been a good thing to have the monitor on emergency eavesdrop duty. And so I keep buying batteries for it.

Apart from my emotional attachment to it, the monitor has come in handy a time or two, though, for sentimental purposes. Early Saturday morning, here is what we woke up to:

Jack (walking into Emma's room): Good morning, Emma.

Emma: Good morning, Jack. I want Mom. I want Mom, Jack!

Jack: Want to go downstairs, Emma?

Emma: No! I want Mom, Jack.

Jack: Emma, (deep breath) Mom is SUPER sleepy. She can't even hear you. Will you let me get you out of your bed? Let's go see Mom, Emma.

Emma: Ok, Jack.

(Some lifting, grunting, and general crib noise here)

Emma: Ow! Ow! You hurt me, Jack.

Jack: I'm sorry, Emma. Did you get an ow-ie? Here, let me rub it.

Emma: Thank you, Jack.

Jack: You're welcome.

Emma: I love you, Jack.

Jack: I love you too, Emma. (fading as they walk out of the room)

Yep... I'm thinking that this conversation just bought me a few months longer with the monitor still beside my head at night. I'm adding AA batteries to the grocery list right now.


  1. I have a whole unopened container that I will give you!!! HOW SWEET!!! I love hearing your stories about your little family, always makes me happy.

  2. True, I gave her a lot of crap about that monitor. She had finally gotten rid of it at the old house about the time Jack turned 3. Then, 6 months later when we moved into this house, the monitor was dug out of storage. And the battery buying started again. I'm not exactly sure how many months it was when she finally let it go, and put it back into storage, but when it made its return with Emma, I expected it to be around for a minimum of 3 years.
    (but I must admitt, I too lay around most Saturday mornings waiting to hear the cutest morning show on the air waves)

  3. I have tears in my eyes. This is so sweet.

  4. Such a great way to begin the sweet. Big smile.

    If I decide I want to have kids, can they be just like yours?

  5. Aww Danavee, I was thinking the same thing! Whitney's stories always make me want sweet little children like Jack and Emma! :)

  6. So cute. Zoe will get Link out of his crib too in the morning. But I have gotten lazy about my monitor placement so I think I might be missing a lot here. Hmmm... Maybe I need my monitor again too.
