Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Kid Heaven

This is the newest installment in grandma's back yard. It is Heaven on Earth for little children. They can climb and pretend. They can slide and swing. They can run, and jump, and tumble. After the expending of all of this excess energy, we are so thankful that this fancy, fancy thing brings out the angelic tired and spent sides of our children. Having said that, we are aware it sometimes brings out the devils in them too.

I don't know what it is about Emma here. Could it be the impish grin at the pleasure of slamming her feet into her brother's back? Could it be the teeth gritting and the torqued-for-extra-momentum body posture? Could it be the kitty cat ears on her jacket that kind of double as horns? Or could it be the dramatic and pained expression on her brother's face? I'm just not sure... Either way, play on, little 'angels'. Play on.


  1. Man, you're right! She is something else! What a cute little turkey!

    That's quite the contraption they got for their little great grandbabies. HOW NICE!

  2. S-P-O-I-L-E-D. But still sweet. :)
