Friday, October 1, 2010

Stick It

Jack's latest persuasive argument centers around:

The lint roller.

Yes, the placement and storage of our family's lint roller(s) is on his mind. Nevermind thinking about useful things like: learning how to take a bath in less than an hour, keeping his room orderly, or not engaging his sister in knock-down-drag-out-I-want-to-choke-you fights. The lint roller, folks. It's apparently a pretty critical issue.

The lint roller can and should be stuck to the kitchen/garage doorway. For atleast two reasons (and more if repetition of the first two reasons counts as more reasons), it seems logical and handy. A) One never has to dig in a drawer. It's right there in your face. B) It's "meant" to be stuck to things. It's very sticky.

In closing, the lint roller "just should" be a fixture in the doorway. Duh.


  1. Never before have I seen a lint roller stuck to the door frame like that. However, I think I like it there! Very practical!

  2. Gifted, I tell you! Gifted.

    Very nice closing sentence.
