Monday, September 3, 2007

No Longer in a Pickle?

Thanks to all who've been concerned, really and truly... Pickle, surprisingly enough, is doing quite well! You can tell from the previous post that my hopes for her survival were very slim. In a way, that was my goodbye. But Pickle always has been pretty scrappy... I should've known not to give up on her so quickly. Thanks to the calm logic of Jim. I am so grateful that he called off an impending final veterinary visit, and said... "let's just see what happens."

Her progress has been astounding:

*She is now breathing easily again... not gasping for oxygen... nor hacking, coughing, spitting, straining, etc.

*She has emerged from the shower... huddling in the shower being a very strange uncatlike behavior that surely suggested I would come home and find her unresponsive, though soggy, one day.

*She is minus a considerable percentage of body weight. Does she look sickly and bony? No way... she now looks normal.

*She has resumed eating and drinking. Consequently, she again has cause to use the litterbox. (She has not yet, however, resumed the cleaning of the hind end after said use of the litterbox.... baby steps, baby steps.)

*She does not throw up three times a day. She never did do this, even on the brink of seeming death - it's just my chance to send a sideways glare toward Cookie.

*She has returned to the nightly positioning of herself in the crook of my arm. Glad to have her back.

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