Monday, December 8, 2008

But wait! What's this?!

I recently received a decent slinging of 'anonymous' hate mail. Surprised? Yeah, me too.

A) I hadn't realized I was conducting an argument with anyone. And B) I was not at all aware that I was worth such major creativity. On the off chance that the author of the messages in question reads this blog, I guess I should reward them with at least a nod.

I try to imagine the author, brooding and worked up. I honestly think it might be disappointing to get absolutely no feedback if I were in their shoes. I feel for them, and so I wish to reward the effort. I'm not really sure what to say though.

I guess I'll go with, "Way to go! The messages were written with a voice that seemed vengeful, but only just approaching harrassment. Just the right mix."


A more significant side note is that my attention has been called to the totally nifty website(s) that these messages came from! I had NO IDEA you could send anonymous email! I'm super excited about this, and I highly recommend it for the use of spreading niceness in the following way:

Picture it. You're checking your email. You're filtering through some spam. You're unsuspecting. Yada, yada, yada.

But wait! What's this?! 'Anonymous' loves the blouse that you had on today!

I love it!


  1. Ok, first of all, I have not been getting updated when you have a new blog, so I had to go back and read a bunch. You are a great writer!

    I so want to know about this website. I am sure I can think of some people I would like to give my piece of mind to......anonymous of course!!!!

  2. Did the person know you or was it just general stuff that could fit anyone? Be careful.

  3. They know me. They emailed my work and also two other separate accounts of mine (and one of these is only known by six contacts). Yep, seems they know me and wish me the worst.

    I can't think of ANYONE, though, that I would return those kinds of ill feelings toward. No one.

  4. That is wild! Especially an account known by only six contacts. There isn't any way to to send an email back or find information on them?

  5. Oh, I sent an email back to one of them - I'd had enough. But they have to pay to upgrade their account to view my reply. I suppose that's the site's way of making money. I'm thinking they'll never see it though.

    Get this, (I got a little curious during my lunch break one day - pathetic) and did you know that you can also send messages that self destruct on one of these sites? You just set the number of seconds, minutes, days, etc... and after that time... Poof! It vanishes right in front of the reader! What hole have I been sticking my head in? How crazy! I guess I haven't watched enough Mission Impossible movies.

  6. Whit: It is CLEAR that this person wants your attention. But at the same time, they've chosen an "anonymous" route? Soooo... They are contradictory. Sounds like they kind of ENJOY crisis. You know those types of people.

    I wouldn't worry about it, Whit. The messages were awful, but there's nothing you can do to help this person. They obviously have a problem. Let it go, and don't look back.

    You are flipping awesome, and I will always think that! I might even send you an anonymous message that tells you so.

  7. Ok I guess I should come clean... it is me. I mean I am so jealous of your amazing sweetness, family, beauty, yada, yada, yada, that I couldn't hold it in anymore. I want to be like you!
    No, but seriously, what the hey? Do I need to open a can on someone, you know my blunt behavior and I soooo would! I love you regardless and think you are fab!
