Tuesday, December 16, 2008

"Santa Doesn't Have a Mailbox!"

Jack insists that Santa couldn't possibly have a mailbox. He wrote a list just because we wanted him to, but he thinks it's much more efficient to simply squint his eyes shut and announce to the air around him, "I wish I had a _____. I wish I had a ____."
He always does this aloud for his sister too when he feels that SHE must want something from Santa. And I think that's pretty cute.

On Jack's list:

1. a Santa suit with a fake beard (he's a strange child)
2. dominoes
3. checkers
4. roller skates (the kind with 4 wheels, NOT "all in a row" wheels)
5. a remote control Wall-E toy

On Emma's list:

1. books


  1. Sounds like a fun list. You really sould look into the Elf on the Shlef thing I sent you... Then Jack would be able to at least talk to an object. I always wanted one of those Wonderful Life Santa Claus hats that had the beard attached to it, Jack and I would get along well.

  2. Not on the list; Hot Wheels Speed Racer Sky Jump Track Set. But when Santa gave it to him at the work Christmas party this past weekend, he was quick to say "this is just what I wanted!" Hmm, I wonder what else he's 'secretly' wished for that Santa my bring him...
