Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy Fourth 2010

Last night, we got to celebrate the fourth of July at grandma/pa's house with Aunt Vicki, my cousin, Mark Ryan, his wife, Brittany (just realized I'm not entirely sure of her name's spelling), and his son, Ryan (Jack and Emma's second cousin). Ryan is a year old and cute as a button. It was a fun holiday.

Jack had a great time with Mark Ryan, tagging along as official "fireworks co-picker-outter" during the day. Mark Ryan also bought him a Hershey bar - and that helps.

Emma had a great time too, although she spent her time either behind Daddy...

... or in a place she deemed equally safe and sound.

I had a great time, myself. See, I've just discovered the "fireworks setting" on my camera! (And no, Jim, I DON'T know what I'm gonna do with all these fireworks pictures, but considering how TOTALLY COOL they turned out, I think you should feel a'plenty silly for teasing me about taking them. Pssshaw.)

All together now... "Oooh!"




And wild applause! Thanks for the show, Mark Ryan.


  1. There is a firework setting on your camera? Wowzers!!!

  2. DANG! You are Sarah Carter in the making!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
