Sunday, July 25, 2010

Summer Results

At the close of summer, which... let's face it.... we've arrived.... you probably wanna know how the reaching of all my goals panned out. It's a fair question.

1. Create a household system = Fail. No system has revealed itself to me even though I feel like I've spent some real time on it. The house is still the messy house. How can one spend so much of the summertime cleaning and still be in this predicament? I hear you asking. The upstairs has generally stayed neat. But no one really spends any significant time up there, so.... I guess that means it's not even a true half-win. Gosh.

2. Decorate a few spots in the house = Pass. Emma's and Jack's rooms look amazing. Jack has his space room now... all we're waiting on is a big earth/moon poster, and it will be complete. I will post pictures of it when all the finishing touches are in place.

3. Go to the pool frequently = Pass... sort of? There was some delay in the achievement of this goal as we missed the official "neighborhood pool tag passing out" day and went without them for a little while. Although I wouldn't say we went to our pool often, we went to enough around-the-town-water-spots that I think we did okay.

4. Be healthier = Fail. Big time failure here. I am pretty much the most unhealthy person I know. I love sugar, and it doesn't even love me back.

5. Exercise more = Fail. Stop laughing at me.

6. Grow something and keep it alive = Fail. I did happen to grow some cute little flower sprouts early in the summer. Remember those? But uhh yeah... the sun cooked them.

Death in a cup.

Other than this, there was also a shortlived summer stint of trying to "grow" some tadpoles into frogs. I didn't kill them, but right when it was looking as if I could, we dumped them back into the river as a means of rescue.

So, to recap. My summer goals were approximately 33 percent achieved. As a teacher, I know that that ain't a great rate, people. Feelin' sorta pathetic.


  1. Death in a cup. Love. Hehehehe....

    I think you're great. Even when the percentages don't pan out.

    And I love the new blog background.

  2. I think the two amazing bedrooms you put together account for 67 bonus points. If my calculations are correct, that means you receive an A+. This summer went wayyyyy too fast.
