Thursday, April 17, 2008

575 W. Haiku Heaven

I'm a teacher. My job is demanding, but sometimes... all is made worth it come the Haiku poetry writing unit. Also, a quickly approaching May helps, but ah yes.... the children's Haikus. So good. Thanks, Danavee, for passing along these two samples of syllabic brilliance. Your kids have made my day.

Do not kill that bear
I won't let people kill bears
Please help me do that

I feel bad for dogs
Being kicked out on the road
It's not fair, you see


  1. These are AWARD WINNING haikus!!!!

  2. No doubt... no doubt. In fact, when I read these poems, I can feel sparkles raining down ever so lightly on me. The sparkles are gold... silver.... and copper.

  3. The Cloud - A Haiku

    Gold, Silver, Copper
    Floating, drifting, hovering
    A cloud over me

  4. "A Once Extraordinary Haiku Until Somebody Screwed It Up"

    Danavee's first name
    Uses many syllables
    no more room for wit

  5. Nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We'll blame my parents!

  6. looks can and are deceiving

  7. What in the HELL does Looks can and are deceiving mean? Who are these people.
