Sunday, April 20, 2008

Emma News

It seems to me that when you have two children, the first one develops at a s-l-o-w pace. You are always waiting and anticipating what trick he/she is going to do next. With Jack, it felt like I was constantly asking myself, "When is he going to smile at me? When is he going to roll over? First teeth, where are they?" etc.

Now, with the second child, my experience has been totally different. Emma seems to be developing at lightning speed. I feel very much like I'm riding an out of control horse. "Whoa, girl! Slow down, slow down!" I fear that soon she'll be a teenager.

Rice cereal functions well as food or accessory. It's good.

So are toes.


  1. Ohhhhh Ewwwww. I'm crazy. Look at me everyone I'm going to say something creepy.

    Nice family yuns got goin' on there.
    Gonna pop out a couple more em' kids.

  2. Hi mrs.hoodenpyle your family looks good I like your blog!! Have a great day!,
    Andy Lester

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi, Andy! Thank you very much! I like your blog too. I'll see you tomorrow!

    Mrs. Hoodenpyle
