Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Jack is feeling thankful, and 'tis the season! Here's his list of things that he's thankful for:

1. Mom
2. Dad
3. Emma
4. Gamol (Grandma)
5. Fod (Food)
6. God
7. Jezis (Jesus)
8. Sun
9. Rth (Earth)
10. Planis (Planets)

Great list, Jack! My thankful list would be similar, but I would most definitely have to add:

11. The way papers come out of the copier all nice and warm
12. You, my sweet boy


  1. My list would include:

    Whiteny Hoodenpyler.....BFFL (best friend for life)

  2. I would include both of you... for keeping me sane =)
