Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Blue Update

GREAT NEWS!  It seems maybe that "Blue" is not all-encompassing when it comes the descriptive powers of our new fish's name.  Blue doesn't seem to be too blue at all.  He's actually happy and healthy... says the internet, anyway.

Remember I know NOTHING about fish, so I was pretty alarmed today as I checked on him after Jack did the night time feeding.  I noticed lots and lots of weird little bubbles in the upper left corner of his little tank.  At first, I thought that maybe I hadn't rinsed the tank well enough after its homecoming and subsequent washing.  I was sure I'd poisoned the little guy. Crap.

But then I googled it with the search words "bubbles at top of betta fish tank".  I was pleasantly surprised to find out the meaning of these little bubbles.

Apparently, Blue has decided that his new home is a good one.  Good enough, in fact, that it's worthy of baby-raising (and then most likely baby-eating... but let's keep this post happy and move on).  Several sites suggested that a male betta makes a 'bubble nest' when he feels an environment is a suitable one in which a female betta partner should lay eggs up in the bubbles for him to come along and fertilize.  Check out his day's work...

So, I guess this is Blue's stamp of approval.  I sure am proud and happy that he's happy. 

As an aside, Blue's got another thing coming if he thinks that there will be any funny business with the ladies happening anytime soon though.  I don't care if you're happy and healthy or not, Mister.  Fish teenagers, geez.


  1. I do remember Emma wanting a fish....

    I had a couple fish that had relations and later "fishlets", several hundred of them in fact. Apparently they eat them if you don't find a mesh cage for them and fast.

  2. hahaha... I was editing and adding the baby-eating part JUST as you must've posted this, Andrea! Haaaaa!

  3. And Emma has forgotten that she wanted a fish. And that's all that matters, Andrea.

    Ix-nay on the ish-fay.

  4. I for sure thought this was a development with Jack's blue lips when I read the title.

  5. Her mind must have wandered tO wanting the helmet and racket.
