Tuesday, April 19, 2011

These Faces

"What are these faces about?" I hear you asking.

Yes, well.  There IS a story here.  One face is freshly tear-splotchy, glum, laced with disgust, forlorn, and pitiful.  The other?  Smug.  Oh yeah.  Reeeeal smug.

But before I get to that story, I can hear my mother over all of your voices.  Yes, Momma.  Jack's lips are blue, but it's only because he's just had a bluer than blue lollipop (given to him by Grandpa before dinner... sigh) and NOT because he has a disease or is low on oxygen, needing to be examined by the nearest hospital.  (Jack always seemed a fragile and especially vulnerable infant, and so my mom worries still.)

So.  The faces.  Notice that Emma is wearing a batting helmet and holding a badminton racquet?  Yeah, well, there's just been a major argument.  See, Jack wore this helmet and held the racquet on the way to school while riding in the car this morning.  (No, I don't know why, but that's unrelated to the story.)  Unfortunately for Jack, Emma got into the car this afternoon FIRST, immediately seizing both items and declaring that it was HER TURN for possession of both.  Jack was HIGHLY irritated that things went down like this.  So.  A brute wrestling match ensued over the said items.  Yank.  Pull.  Yank.  Scream.  Pull harder. 

Eventually, as is almost always the case with any tug-of-war episode, someone let go.  It was Emma.  The racquet then came hurtling at Jack's eyeball, smacking him right in the face. 

Then crying and blaming happened.  Lots and lots of both. 

Aaaaaand... hence, the faces.


  1. I only wish you could HEAR my cackling. Kenny yelled from the other room, "WHAT are you laughing at?"

    That was awesome.

    Still laughing.

  2. I don't know how you get Emma to pose in all of these photos but they will be so great in her wedding slide show one day!
