Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy Fourth of July!

So, in connection with my last entry... we have been in St. Louis recently. We traveled with our friends, Danavee and Kenny, and took in a fabulous concert. As an added bonus, Kenny showed off his marching skills in a fourth of July parade with the Army band, and we cheered like fools from the curb.

Here are some nice time passing activities (if you're ever waiting for Kenny to march by someday) while parade watching in St. Louis:

1. Pose in front of the arch. Actually, pose as if you are hanging from the arch. Go ahead... the St. Louis residents LOVE it, and no other tourist has ever considered doing this before.

2. Sit on the steps of the old historic courthouse and discuss, thoroughly, the details of the infamous Dred Scott decision.

3. Try one of those dance video games that you've always made fun of other people for doing. Develop an addiction to those dance video games. (Actually, this one works better if you do it the night before the parade watching.)

4. Brainstorm a list of random things you could shout out to make Kenny laugh at the moment he passes by. Good luck... he's good... but perhaps it gives him an advantage in this game if he doesn't hear your efforts while he's saxophoning.

5. Make your patriotic movie debut.

Refer to Danavee's blog link (right) if you just can't get enough of this crazy fun.


  1. I can promise that I will NEVER get tired of watching either of our videos.

    I heart America too!

  2. Seriously those videos make me laugh so hard. I think it is because I can see both of you sitting there doing that and laughing the entire time. Looks like you had so much fun!

  3. You were born retarded. *Mom
