Friday, July 4, 2008

JM Concert - St. Louis

There's no need to preface this with a lot of explanation. If you're reading this, the odds are more than favorable that you are aware of exactly how cuckoo for John Mayer I am. We've just been to a concert where we enjoyed second row center seats! It was a beautiful thing. He was GREAT, and I had a FANTASTIC time.

So excited, with Danavee, that I totally forgot that bending of the arms is possible.

Look here, we worked hard for this one so pay attention. I am trying to kiss John, but apparently I get only a mouthful of microphone. Ughhhh.


  1. I wish I had taken some video of him singing! Good idea!

    I had SO MUCH fun with you!!!! This is turning into a yearly tradition, and I LIKE IT!

  2. The kiss is so close! Did you get an autograph?

  3. Unfortunately, no. But I'll never be a cynic again and think to myself, "Yeah right... this silly teenage girl in front of me is rummaging in her purse for a sharpie for nothing. There's no way she'll get an autograph with this crowd mobbing the stage."

    She got an autograph.

  4. There is time to laugh, a time sing and time to cry. Little did we know ages is catching and away we go
