Tuesday, July 15, 2008

To Whitney

Today was a perfect day, wasn't it? You rarely get to spend time with Jack these days. And that's kind of sad. Make time, Whitney. Slough off the silly stuff that you can't change or that may occasionally bring you worry, stress, anger, or sadness. Forget the laundry, and walk away from the dishes. Hold your child's hand for a little bit, and ask him what he wants to do. You rarely do that.

Jack designed the schedule for today, and it felt good. Someday you'll come back to this entry, and sink into it. Remember what he wanted to do together:

1. Roll ALL the windows down, and open up the sunroof while we're driving.
Stick our hands out of the windows.

2. Turn up the music. And listen to anything that is Justin Timberlake's again and again.

3. Go to the carwash. Watch through the windows while our car is on the 'moving road.'

4. Eat at the "Hat Restaurant" (Arby's-- think of the sign) and sit at one of the special tall tables.

5. Go to the library almost entirely for playing at the train table.

6. Tell each other how much we love each other --- many, many times.


  1. That put tears in my eyes. Awwww. You're a good mommy.

  2. What a neat thing to do. Mommy of the year award coming your way.....but the real award was getting that special time with Jack. How fun!
