Thursday, July 31, 2008

Branson Vacation

And we're home and on to the next phase... the one where you need a vacation from the vacation you've just taken. We're thoroughly pooped! Silver Dollar City, mini golf/go karts, Celebration City, and White Water (in that order) provided lots of fun for the family. Here are some pictures/videos to enjoy.

Jack gets brave with some face first water sliding.

Yeah, that's my Jack - the only one screaming.

This is one of my favorite videos of the day. A handful of overly stimulated kids riding at the end of a long day. Look at the faces, and laugh with me.


  1. I'm glad you had fun, but I'm really glad you are home! I missed you!

  2. Looks like the Hoodenpyle family had a blast! Missed reading your stuff while you were gone.

  3. The video of Jack screaming reminds me of Dan when we ride roller coasters. J/K!!! Sounds like fun. I totally get the vacation after vacation comment!
