Friday, August 15, 2008

The Hoodenpyle Olympics

On these last few days of our summer together, the Hoodenpyles have been enjoying the Summer Olympics on television. (Well... excluding Jack, who sometimes is into them but more often says, "How many more days are we going to have to watch these races? I want to watch SpongeBob.) And in keeping with the Olympic spirit of things, some household medaling of our own seems appropriate.

Emma Hoodenpyle:
Events: Synchronized Napping (Gold), Pulling Up to Furniture and Then Toppling... and Then Crying (Gold), Snorting (Gold)

Jack Hoodenpyle:
Events: Nonstop Talking (Gold), Speed Toothbrushing (*despite some scandal having been raised in the media recently over whether he does actually brush ALL of his teeth while engaged in the event... investigation is pending.) (Gold)

Jim Hoodenpyle:
Events: Speed Toothbrushing (Silver), Recliner Swimming While Watching Michael Phelps (Gold), Speed Lawn-Mowing (Gold)

Whitney Hoodenpyle:
Events: Synchronized Napping (Gold), Mattress Somersaulting (Disqualified)

Cookie Hoodenpyle:
Events: Frantic Running For No Reason (Gold), Target Puking (Gold)


  1. Too funny! Tell me more about how you were disqualified from Mattress Somersaulting! Scandalous!

  2. You are too funny! Count down begins lady, last weekend of somewhat freedom, blah.

  3. Last night, I was inspired after having watched the U.S. girl gymnasts come in 1st and 2nd. So I did a gymnastics tumbling routine in my bedroom and couldn't even complete a somersault across the bed adequately. (Some of us didn't have Mr. Steele in fourth grade as our P.E. teacher.) Anyway, this was grounds for automatic disqualification. Jim is very proud that he married me.

  4. Love it! I would have given anything to see your gymnastics routine. Did you happen to catch that on video????

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.
