Saturday, August 30, 2008

Learning, Learning

The first full week of kindergarten is under Jack's belt. Yesterday his folder was brought home in the backpack just as it is everyday. Fridays, it seems, are a rather enlightening day of the week as moms and dads get to read a little anecdotal note that has been recorded about their child's progress. I like this idea very much as Jack doesn't tell very complete stories about his day. The only regular and consistent kindergarten report that we receive at home is the story of how Jack goes outside everyday for three recesses. The recesses are hot. Jack just wants to get into the tunnel slide "for some shaaaade, but everyone just keeps sliding into" him. Ohhh, Jack.

Anyway, I read the Friday note about Jack. And I enjoyed a good laugh.

"Jack is a sweetheart," she says. "He likes to make silly noises with his mouth at group time. I am encouraging him to save those noises for recess time."

Chuckling. I wish her the best of luck with her encouragement.

Additionally, Jack is working at home on shoe-tying. The kindergarten teachers are adamant that they will not tie shoes nor teach the kids how to complete the task. I can't say I blame them... wow, this is hard! Jack has a handle on the procedure and knows exactly where all the strings go and at what time. It's just the doing that is tricky. He's sure getting close!

On the Emma front, she is working at home on waving goodbye. She has, for a long time, been able to raise the hand in a "Hello!" or "Farewell!" gesture. This morning, though, she noticed that daddy moves his fingers up and down when he waves goodbye. Hmmm... that interested her. Emma is sitting now, studying her hand, awkwardly imitating the motion.

Learning is a process. I love to be the witness.


  1. I was RIVETED by the footage of Jack! Oh how I was rooting for him!!!! GO JACK GO! He is SO CLOSE!

    About the Friday note, I am reading between the lines, and as a teacher, I get it.....BUUTTTT as HUGE Jack fan, I want to defend the little guy.

  2. Aren't we all glad we don't have to learn how to tie our shoes again?!?!?! He is so close and I am sure it is so frustrating. Maybe he needs to start making some funny noises to go with the shoes and loops! I could hear some funny noises right now!

  3. Good news! Jack tied his shoes all by himself this morning. He is puffed up and proud.
