Sunday, August 17, 2008

Kindergarten Homework

Jack starts kindergarten on Wednesday. All conversations with family and friends involve the big kindergarten question these days, "Jack, are you excited about being in kindergarten this year?!" He smiles and says, "Yes!" And then, I've noticed there's always a look immediately following this question- a look at me. It's a look that searches my face out of concern and really asks, "Is mom okay with her child growing up and taking this huge step???"

Well, sure I am. I guess it's less of a big transition for all of us because Jack has been going to preschool for two years already. And it helps that he's been in the very building that would-be kindergarteners would go as well. So yeah, Jack's excited. And Mom is doing okay too.

But I am laughing, and I'll tell you why.

I'm sitting here at the last minute of a Sunday night before the kindergarten Open House, and I'm doing homework. This probably isn't funny to most, but it's worth a chuckle in my book. As a teacher you always wonder why such large portions of homework and various projects are done completely by the parents of your students. Why do these adults do this to themselves? Math homework returns to school in the perfect mom-ish handwriting. Projects are carried into school by dads who have a mysterious twinkle of ownership in their eyes. And Valentine boxes... yep, I remember that Mom always made my masterpiece too.

Over the years, I've decided for myself. That's not going to happen in my family. Oh, I'll be available to help and supervise if needed, but Jack will always be the major contributor. For sure. Absolutely. No doubt about it.

But here it is- past eight now. Jack's in the bath, and I'm alone in the middle of the floor with my black magic marker. I have written "Jack H." on every item on the list. Glue bottle, glue sticks, scissors, watercolors, notebook, backpack... all labeled and re-checked. As per his teacher's instructions, even every individual crayon and marker bears Jack's name.

This first major assignment of kindergarten is complete, and I just want it documented that mine is the hand that is cramping for it. Serves me right, doesn't it?

1 comment:

  1. Ah, the grown-up handwriting on homework assignments....I can't wait. Let the fun begin.
