Monday, January 12, 2009

32 Things You May Not Know About Me

Okay, folks. Let's do the "Whitney version". Here goes.

1. I sleep with my old security blanket... still.
2. I believe that peanut butter and jelly sandwiches taste worse if I don't make them.
3. I believe that salads taste better if I don't make them.
4. I have curly hair.
5. My first word was "bird."
6. I was once so grossed out by the movie, Howard the Duck, that I had to leave the theater.
7. I don't like it when my belly button is touched.
8. My left eye is blue. My right eye is blue and brown.
9. I have the biggest tonsils I've ever seen. It's a wonder that I can even breathe.
10. I am learning to play the guitar. My first and third fingertips are very sore.
11. I have a secret method for successful and even pencil sharpening that I teach to every crop of students.
12. I must dunk every single piece of cereal in my bowl down in the milk before I can take a bite.
13. I am more scared of the sound of flying bugs than the flying bugs, themselves.
14. I would put off procrastinating until tomorrow, if that were possible.
15. I have flat feet. Flatter than flat.
16. I snuck into a movie without paying (for the first time ever) on Saturday. Actually, I snuck into two. (Benjamin Button - thumbs up; Marley and Me, thumbs up; Yes Man, thumbs down; Valkyrie, a noncommittal yawn... it was late by this time.)
17. I worried a lot as a child. And I still do as an adult.
18. I can drive a stickshift.
19. I secretly delight in peeling someone's skin after a sunburn.
20. I'm extremely hard to get to know, and I don't know how to fix that.
21. When I hear a name, I also see a color. Whitney = light blue. Jim = green. Danavee = brown. Sherri = red. (My mother insists that this is a sign of autism.)
22. I love unusual senses of humor.
23. I am really, really, really fast at wordsearches. I will beat you. No question.
24. It doesn't matter what other flavors the ice cream store offers. I'll have chocolate.
25. I don't like most fruits... or vegetables.
26. I am not a hypochondriac, but I think I have the potential to be.
27. The right side of my body is far more ticklish than the left.
28. I associate the flavor of an Icee with the old Venture store on Glenstone.
29. I have nightmares about tornadoes. Often.
30. I laugh when people fall.
31. I'm pretty sure that I can talk to animals in my mind. Snakes know that I'm uneasy while holding them. And I know they know.
32. I like being 32.


  1. Hmmm.... I bet I could add 32 more!! :) :) :)

  2. Cracking up: numbers 28 & 31

    Total agreement: numbers 10, 22, & 30

    SHOCKED: 10......when did that start???? a real guitar??? not guitar hero? cuz your fingers can cramp up with that too.

    Questioning: number 21.......why brown?

    Disagree: number 32........any number beyond 29 is dead to me!

  3. I don't know why brown. I have no explanation as to why names are the color they are. Jill = light green. Ashley: bright red. Andrea = light pink. Bonnie = royal blue. Jack = hunter green. Tracey = orange. Emma = light blue. I don't understand it any more than anyone else.

  4. I like being bright red and I might have to use you as an example when asking questions in my abnormal psyc class, perhaps we can find some answers. I loved this post, wish I was as creative as my fine 32 year old friend!

    *I could totally beat you at a word search, we will compete sometime.

  5. There's a really cool book out there that I stumbled upon at a bookstore on the campus of Chapel Hill in North Carolina some years ago which was written by a neurologist: The Man Who Tasted Shapes. The human brain is so fascinating! I don't know about the Whitney brain though. I personally think you are a quirky, lovable little freak of nature.

    And I love you very, very, very much.

  6. ...and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, WHITNEY!!!!!!!
    Yes, it's late, but so was this entry ;)

  7. Loved it! Enjoyed each one and was surprised how many things we have in common.....maybe it is the age, I will be 32 this year as well!

  8. Whit- I haven't talked to you in forever, but I somehow remembered a lot of these things about you!!! :) (this is Mary)
