Sunday, January 25, 2009


I have been "tagged" by a friend in a blogging game. How fun! So here are the rules:

1) Go to your fourth folder of pictures.
2) Choose your fourth picture.
3) Explain the picture.
4) Tag four people.

There's my picture. Let's see, this would've been in 2004 - 2005? Jack is 2 or 3, I guess. (This reveals how poorly my computer files are organized and/or labeled, unfortunately.) Jack is making what we used to refer to as his "pirate face." And I am trying to capture it by turning the camera around backwards at arm's length. Not bad, Whit.

I will have to totally break rule number four and be satisfied with tagging just one person: Jennifer V.
Fun game.


  1. I will take your tag, but I will have to get back to you on it because I have no pictures on my work computer. I am not sure if I have four folders, but I'll try to come up with something good on this snow day or ice day.

  2. So, my picture isn't quite as fun as yours, but I completed the task. That was a fun diversion from our slow day.
    Take care.
